
Photo taken near Monument Valley, Utah

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Moving On...

The election is over, and it has taken a few days for me to get through shock, anger, grief, disappointment and now, acceptance. What's left is great sadness for our nation and a resolve to focus on faith, family and friends, knowing now that the takers outnumber the makers in our country and there's not much I can do about it. For my own peace of mind, I'm devolving from a political junkie to as dispassionate an observer as my fears will allow, knowing that I must keep informed enough to try to take protective steps when the need arises. But that's it; I'm done. I will just pray for our kids and grandkids, whose future our leaders—of both parties—have mortgaged.

My new paradigm will be to get Sandy and me through our health issues and get retired and on the road by summertime. We're not sure what that will look like, because I've never retired before, although Sandy has about ten years’ experience and recommends it highly. It's a bit scary to contemplate, because I've worked for 45 years and don't know what not working will be like.
Sandy is well on the way to full recovery from her three surgeries. I still have a hip replacement to go, but that may be a few months away. I’m not looking forward to the surgery, but I am eager to get rid of “Herman,” the moniker I have bestowed on the painful arthritic nemesis that is my right hip. 

Phannie and Mae are running superbly well. We have made a couple of short trips lately, and I can’t help but marvel at this delightful mode of travel where we carry all the comforts of home with us everywhere we go. The motorhome just loves the road, and it is so much easier on Herman than the fiver; that’s been pretty important to me for a while now.

We’re thinking our first post-retirement trip will be out west. Sandy has never seen Yellowstone, and I haven’t seen it since 1956, so I don’t remember much; that’s got to be on our bucket list for sure. It doesn't really matter where else we go; wherever we want sounds pretty good. I can hardly wait to experience the freedom from the fixed schedule we have always followed in order to return to work on time.

I’m liking this new paradigm better all the time. Who would have thought that something so positive would have its roots in something as disgusting as this election? 

In any case, this the last you'll hear from me about politics.


  1. I think this is a big part of the problem with politics today - when people label others who have a different opinion. It would be so much better if the different groups could come together to talk and compromise to come up with solutions.

    I voted for President Obama, and not because I'm a "taker". I work for a living, pay my bills, just like the next Joe Schmoe Republican down the street. I happen to think that President Obama has been a good president. I think the economy is moving in the right direction. People have selective memories, and forget that four years ago we were hemorrhaging jobs by the tens of thousands every week. How can anyone expect that we would fully recover from that in four years? I'm not sure why people who oppose Pres. Obama think that we have doomed our future based on this one election. Take about 20 - 24 months, (if it takes that long) the next candidates will be stepping up to take his place.

    1. Well, I was not implying that every democrat voter is on the dole. Who could blame the takers for voting democrat? It's those like you who puzzle me. Where on earth have you been getting your information? I hope you and those dear to you do not suffer harm at the hands of our current leaders.

  2. I think you're going to do just fine with retirement. The first year is hard - you still think you're in vacation mode and most people have a tendency to run here and there trying to see everything. It takes awhile to slow down and realize this is your life not a vacation. Get those health issues fixed and go for it.

  3. Mike - Well said. I share your sadness for what this great country of ours has become. What people should have realized is that there is no such thing as a free lunch, someone always has to pay for it. Our kids will be paying for it for many generations.

    1. Thanks for your comment; I'm enjoying your blog!

  4. Hello Dear Friends. At the beginning of your blog, it could have been me writing. We are so glad to be retired and living a very simple life traveling from time to time in our RV.
    We would love to see you spend some time this next summer, in Colorado, at Mountaindale with us.
    We plan to visit Yellowstone and Glacier during the summer of 2014.
    You will love retirement once you discover that there is always something to do, but you can do it at your own pace and when you want to do it.
    You & Sandy consider yourselves hugged big time.
    Hope to see you soon.
    E & M

    1. Thanks, y'all. We're looking forward to visiting with you, hopefully this summer!

  5. We are also in a big time recovery mode from the week past and will rearrange our priorities as you have done. Enough with keeping up with all the daily twists and turns of political intrigue!! There's much more to life as you have well noted. Our nation, children and grandchildren need our prayers. Mike, it took me quite a while to adjust to retirement...that was five wasted minutes for sure. :-)

    Hugs from the "Left Coast"

    Gordon and Juanita

  6. The term ‘takers’ is simply one created by the ‘Fox News/Limbaugh Bubble’. This appears to be where right-wing listeners get all their information and in this election it was mostly wrong. They totally ignored the polls in the swing states (which turned out to be dead right) in favour of imaginary polls they created using false scenarios and assumptions.

    The so-called ‘takers’ not only out-smarted the Republican Party in tactics but they also out-worked them by getting their Democratic supporters to vote.

    The majority of American voters simply weren’t buying what Mitt Romney was selling. This was particularly true in states like Ohio and Michigan which are made up of honest, hardworking, middle-class families. Dismissing them as ‘takers’ is both condescending and insulting and perhaps this is why they rejected Mitt Romney and chose to vote to re-elect President Barack Obama instead.

    1. Why is it that Canadians feel they have so much "wisdom" to share with citizens of the U.S? It just blows my mind.

  7. Rick, I can't imagine where your head is, but I'm glad I don't live there. If you like what the democrats stand for, such as the slaughter of the unborn, the war on religion, the embracing of perversion, the legalization of drugs, open borders, the shredding of the constitution, the destruction of the economy, socialized medicine, the enslavement of the lower class into dependency, etc., etc., then you got what you wanted. I will be praying for you.

    1. Very well said....I agree with every word you have written!

      Keep in mind that Rick is not even a citizen of the U.S. He is Canadian.

    2. Well, I had forgotten that; I guess he just enjoys the tussle. Best he stays in Canada and away from Texas.

    3. I can only add AMEN to this. This statement just dotted every I and crossed every T. Am sure wondering why the Canadians are so interested in our election and how supposedly intelligent people can make such ignorant statements.

  8. Mike and Sandy, could not agree with you more! We have friends who have moved to Costa Rica and Mexico. And we are considering the same.

  9. thank you for sharing your thoughts, Mike and welcome back to blogville. The topic of 'politics' seem to bring out all kinds of comments and thoughts. Makes for an interesting read..being a neighbour to the north makes me no expert on the goings on in the USA, so I will just say 'hang in'..four years should go by very quickly.
    Glad to hear that Sandy is recovering nicely from all her surgeries, I wish you luck with your hip replacement!

    1. Sue, we can always count on you to be a positive influence with a charming demeanor...a good neighbor, for sure.


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