Okay, let's just go ahead and call this what it was: A "duh" moment. You will recall in the last post my puzzlement over the very low representation of higher-end RVs at this park. It didn't make sense to me why this beautiful RV resort appears to be shunned by big rigs and populated almost entirely by what appear to be working folks.
Now, before you begin labeling me as some sort of snob, you should know that I have absolutely no problem with this; I feel perfectly comfortable here, and I certainly wouldn't let this influence my choice of RV parks. However, I know now why this park is not the choice of most retired folks (who largely comprise the big rig community and who can be a bit cranky about this sort of thing): It's the trains and planes. Less than a half mile away from this park are some mainline railroad tracks that carry perhaps two dozen or more trains every day, around the clock. The international airport is also nearby, but the aircraft noise is very minor compared to the trains, whose engineers seem overly enthusiastic about their use of horns. Even so, this doesn't bother us all that much, as we generally keep the windows closed and use a fan for white noise at night. But we know some other RVers who wouldn't be caught dead in such an environment.
Therefore, the "duh" on my part. This oversight in planning represents probably the first time I have chosen a new park without reading reviews about it--reviews that would certainly have mentioned the proximity of the railroad tracks and the attendant noise factor. Actually, I'm not unhappy with Northlake, for it is, obviously, a super nice park from the standpoint of amenities; I'm just a bit irritated at myself because I forgot to check it out thoroughly, and that represents yet another of the little daily reminders that I'm not getting any younger and neither is the old brain. However, don't count me out yet; I still recognize what's-her-name sitting across from me.