
Photo taken near Monument Valley, Utah

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Time to Head Towards Texas

 At The Views RV Park, Dolores, Colorado...

    After all the unexpected delays getting Phannie's annual service in Red Bay, our stay in Colorado this year was much shorter than we wished. We had actually planned to stay through September, but some exciting things await us in Texas. We are not looking forward to our departure to Texas next week, as the temperature there is still in triple digits after the worst heat wave on record.

    We have had a wonderful time here, especially with dear friends who have joined us from time to time. We feel for those who have suffered the heat back home but thankful we missed most of it. 

    While longtime friends Bubba and LouAnn were already here when we arrived, we were soon joined by Arkansas friends Carolyn and Larry, who rode the Durango-Silverton train and had time for us to give them a whirlwind tour of nearby Mesa Verde National Park and Durango, where we had lunch in the old saloon of the historic 19th-century Strater Hotel:

    No, Larry is not tipsy in the photo. Remember, I told you he's from Arkansas.  

    The old saloon as been restored, and they kept the original bar and even a piano player, whom you can see in the background. I wanted to play a duet with him, but the place was just too crowded.

    Our next entertainment venue was the Bar D Chuckwagon in Durango, where we were served barbeque and treated to a live western band. (They were quite good.)

    Our next visitors were BreAnn, daughter of Bubba and LouAnn, and longtime friends Mary Lou and Harvey. We all had a great time, and we have some photos, of course. Here's a lovely scene with BreAnn standing in front of Trout Lake, near Telluride, Colorado:

    Here's a photo of our last gathering around the campfire on the Animas river. In this photo are Jerry and Lori, some of LouAnn's relatives. BreAnn is standing next to Sandy. Notice we all have on our jackets (sorry, Texas friends):

    We had one final lunch at Serious Texas Barbeque (really good), as a goodbye gesture to Harvey and Mary Lou (far left):

    If you notice Harvey's impish grin, there's a reason. He is a cutup without equal, but Bubba and I pretty well hold our own. Much fun and laughter was had with all our visitors, and it was sad to see them go.

    And so, here we are, counting down the last few days before we head southward, knowing that September in Texas is not much different from August. It has been a fun time, but more excitement awaits us, and we will fill you in as we go.

   Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful life; please forgive me if I don't appreciate it as I should every day.

We don't stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing. 
 ---George Bernard Shaw

"I get up every morning, and I just don't let the old man in." ---Clint Eastwood



  1. We recently spent a weekend near Boston catching up with three sets of friends. It's amazing how quickly the time flies when gathering with good friends for fun, frolic and food. Friendship is one of life's greatest blessings; let's remain grateful and never take it for granted. Safe travels to you and Sandy, Mike!

    1. Thank you, Mary. Ditto for you and Alan. We are sometimes amazed at how many wonderful friends we have met along the way of this experience. Yes, may we never take them for granted.

  2. We await you return to the confines of Lonestar Corral with baited breath. It is still hot as blazes here so take your time...

    1. Our arrival (which should be met with much fanfare) will be in the first week of October. Look forward to seeing you all.

  3. I don't like secrets. . .can't wait to know your surprise! Safe travels.

    1. I may have overhyped it. It is nothing huge, just a meetup with a long-lost best friend.

  4. You won’t need a coat when you return to Gods Country.

    1. We will be in east Texas for the first part of September; it'll be hot AND humid. Pray for us.

  5. Can't wait to see y'all and hear all about your exciting news... Safe travels dear friends. Let us know as soon as y'all are free for a get together. So Exciting!!!

  6. Sounds like a nice 'RoundUp' of goodbyes, s'longs and farewells. Friends are the next best thing to family and sometimes the two often become 'gamixed'. ♥ Take your time, a more comfortable Texas will be there when you arrive. By the time we get to AZ November 1st or so, it should be pleasant there too. Safe travels!

  7. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends.


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