
Photo taken near Monument Valley, Utah

Sunday, March 30, 2014

San Antonio

At Admiralty RV Resort, San Antonio, Texas…

We had a trifecta here at San Antone!  Not only did Tyler, Mindy and the grandkids visit, but so did The Barkers and Ed and Marilyn, who joined us for lunch at Z Tejas Grill in the La Cantera Mall.  We appreciate so much their driving down from Keller and Kerrville.

LouAnn, Marilyn, Ed, Bubba, Poppy and Pryce at Z Tejas
The food at Z Tejas was very tasty, with a good deal of authentic Mexican influence.  We had a great conversation, but Sandy had to take Pryce out for a feeding. Seems he discovered that he was something less than stuffed and began to announce loudly his dissatisfaction with that condition.  In this case, he is much like his grandfather.

Tyler and Mindy had some free time on the Riverwalk, and we kept Mason with us.  On the next day, they took Mason to Sea World, where he was suitably enthralled with everything he saw. We kept Pryce in the RV; he was good as gold the whole time.

Everyone had a fine time, and we vowed to keep this on our agenda for next spring.

Sorry, but you will be required to say, "Awwwww!" after viewing the next photos of us with our grandkids.

Tomorrow we will be leaving for the Killeen area where we will be visiting friends and relatives.


  1. your grandbabies are beautiful..they are only little for such a short time..nice to spend some quality time with them!!

  2. Awww, and I see the family resemblance!


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